
Aerospace patterned lenses

Custom reticles for siting devices and scopes are one of Opto-Line’s most popular project requests

May 6th, 2021 | Aerospace

The high level of quality achieved during the manufacturing of our custom reticles is a source of great pride. In addition, careful handling of these sensitive optical components is of paramount importance to every employee of Opto-Line. To learn more about the many patterns we can fabricate, reach out today for more information.

Opto-Line’s custom optical patterning, most recently playing a vital role in Perseverance’s mission to Mars, is used for sun angle sensor systems on satellites and other aerospace applications.

February 26th, 2021 | Aerospace

Our very durable low-reflecting black chrome combined with extremely high precision patterns is what sets Opto-Line apart.  

Opto-Line International’s custom precision patterning proves to be paramount in the critical positioning and trajectory of Perseverance for re-entry on Mars.

February 19th, 2021 | Aerospace

The Sun sensors, manufactured by Adcole Space, contain Optical Reticles manufactured by Opto-Line.

As leaders in the manufacturing of apertures for custom applications, Opto-Line is committed to providing our clients the highest quality products delivered quickly

January 13th, 2021 | Aerospace

Opto-Line is an industry leader in the manufacturing of apertures for custom applications. Opto-Line International can delineate the aperture using our proprietary black chrome coating minimizing internal and external reflectivity and yielding an extremely durable surface. Other specified materials can be deposited per your requirements. Our in-house processing of the final parts ensures the highest […]

Opto-Line’s coatings and custom patterns for the Aerospace Industry have withstood the test of time and the elements of space.

August 21st, 2020 | Aerospace

Custom patterned lenses for the Aerospace Industry Opto-Line has provided various custom patterns typically utilizing our low-reflecting black chrome. For Aerospace applications, our precision pattern and coatings are often found in systems created by the most well-known companies.

Learn how Opto-Line’s custom aerospace apertures are used in sun angle sensor systems on satellites.

June 16th, 2020 | Aerospace

Juno to Jupiter – Adcole Spinning Sun Sensors: Opto-Line’s low reflecting black chrome aperture is a critical component of Adole’s sun sensor used in this satellite’s expedition to Jupiter. Our aperture is directly exposed to the harsh space environment; a true testament to its durability and longevity. Launched:  August 5, 2011 Jupiter Arrival: July 4, […]

As a premier custom reticle company, Opto-Line International can manufacture a multitude of custom patterns on optical substrates to meet the needs of our clients.

May 8th, 2020 | Aerospace

We are not your standard, stock reticle company. Opto-Line is synonymous with customization. We are proud to deliver some of the most difficult custom optical pattern designs that that require a very high degree of precision, experience and ingenuity. Within our limitations of about 1μm, we can produce any pattern you may need with the […]

Our patterned lenses for the Aerospace Industry have withstood the test of time and the elements of space.

February 25th, 2020 | Aerospace

Opto-Line has provided various custom patterns typically utilizing our low-reflecting black chrome. For Aerospace applications, our precision pattern and coatings are often found in systems created by the most well-known companies. Many of our aerospace reticles are used in sun angle sensor systems on satellites. Our durable black chrome has a Rave <5% over the […]

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